As a discipline, public health has breadth and depth. It is a big umbrella or, perhaps, an even bigger tent, home to many categories and subcategories of the field.
At VtPHA, we felt the need to create some “standard” categories for separating our work into different buckets. This is an imprecise and maddening task at times, but also important to help the public and decision-makers break down the complexity of this broad and deep field.
Rather than reinvent the wheel, we started by looking at the categories used by the American Public Health Association, John Hopkins School of Public Health, and the Vermont Department of Health. From there we added, subtracted and combined until we thought we had a workable list. The result? See for yourself below.
Have we missed something important? Don’t like our choice of words? We’re going for something that is functional and not too unwieldy, mindful that perfect is surely the enemy of the good. That said – let us know if we’ve missed the mark.
- Adolescent Health
- Antibiotic Resistance
- Blindness and Visual Impairment
- Chronic Disease
- Climate
- Data + Reporting
- Dental Health
- Deafness and Hearing Loss
- Digital Health
- Disability and Aging
- Environmental Health
- Epidemiology
- Food and Nutrition
- Global Health
- Gun Violence
- Health Administration
- Health Equity
- Healthy Community Design
- Housing
- Income and affordability
- Infectious Disease
- Injury & Violence Prevention
- Insect-Borne Diseases
- Maternal and Child Health
- Mental Health
- Obesity
- One Health
- Preparedness and Emergency Response
- Respiratory Disease
- School-Based Health Care
- Sexual & Reproductive Health
- Substance Misuse
- Tobacco
- Transportation Safety
- Vaccines