
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as Secretary of US Health and Human Services?

Jan 26, 2025 | Advocacy

As a small organization, VtPHA focuses most of our resources on Vermont-specific issues. There are some topics outside of this scope, however, that are too important to ignore.

President Trump has nominated Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., to be the next Secretary of US Health and Human Services (HHS). The coverage of Kennedy’s willful disavowal of evidence-based public health policies has been significant, but it is not just his anti-vaccine crusade that should disqualify him for the position of nation’s top health official.

Kennedy’s distrust for the thousands of public health researchers, practitioners and administrators that work tirelessly to keep our nation safe displays a shocking degree of cynicism. Cynics are not leaders, and messianic crusaders rarely possess the level of introspection and humility needed to advance a shared vision for an issue as critically important and complex as the health of a nation.

I urge you to reach out to Vermont’s senators to let them know your thoughts on a potential “Secretary” Kennedy. If you would like to submit an electronic letter, the American Public Health Association (APHA) has created a customizable form letter here. If you prefer to speak with a representative for either or both Senator Sanders or Senator Welch, the phone numbers for their Vermont offices are:

  • Senator Sanders: 802-862-0697
  • Senator Welch: 802-863-2525

And finally – if you are looking for a bit more reading on the role of the HHS Secretary and APHA’s thoughts on RFK, Jr., consider following these links:

Public health is not a partisan issue – it is a human issue. While politics may be unavoidable, let’s not put our nation’s health in the hands of an individual uniquely unqualified for the role.

Photo Attribution: Gage Skidmore


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